Our Parish, Our Home
2024 Annual Thanksgiving Appeal
On Thanksgiving Day, we reflect on the many blessings we have received. With hearts full of love and generosity, parishioners give financial support to help meet the needs of our parish and those we serve, locally as well as across our diocese.
Caring for others and seeking social justice are deeply rooted in our faith: in the Gospel, Jesus directs us to help the poor, feed the hungry and clothe the naked.
Together, people and parishes are united in our incredible mission to bring Christ’s light to the world.
What is the Thanksgiving Parish Appeal?
Parishes in the Diocese of London are provided the opportunity to conduct an annual Appeal to help fund the work and upkeep of their parish, including ministries, offices, capital projects and other services.
It takes time, talent and treasure to run an effective, caring parish. Ministry and outreach ministry cost money. Your gift will help your parish meet everyday financial needs. The heating and maintenance of your church is a basic need. Likewise, reaching out to others is not a luxury, but a basic part of our faith. The gospel message challenges us to help the poor, feed the hungry and clothe the naked.
Funds raised stay within your parish to help minister to those in need, pay day-to-day operating expenses and meet our financial commitments.

How To Donate
Donate By Credit Card
Credit card donations can be made online here.
Please chose Thanksgiving Appeal from the drop down menu.
Donate By e-Transfer
To donate by Interac e-Transfer, simply set up the email address stalphonsus@dol.ca as a recipient, choose the amount you wish to give, and press send! No password is required.
Please put in the notes section “Thanksgiving Appeal”
If you are not a registered Parishioner, please email your contact information to Sally at smcquaid@dol.ca, so that you can get a income tax receipt at the end of the year.
Donate By Envelope
There is a Thanksgiving Appeal envelope in your Sunday boxed set. As well, Thanksgiving Appeal envelopes are available at the back of the church.