St. Alphonsus Cares is an Outreach Program offered by St. Alphonsus Parish serving Downtown Windsor

We offer free programs and events to anyone and everyone who lives in Downtown Windsor. Supported by volunteers, we aim to partner with others in the city to bring a variety of community building programs that help to make Downtown Windsor more compassionate.

Community Meal
Community Meal
Community Meal
Community Meal

Our Core Values Are:

  • St. Alphonsus Cares is for everyone.
  • St. Alphonsus Cares is free to the public.
  • St. Alphonsus Cares creates programs/events based on the needs of the community.
  • St. Alphonsus Cares is a space where people are invited to stay and belong, and does not exist solely to connect people to other services.
  • St. Alphonsus Cares focuses on: wellness, education, families, and fun.
  • St. Alphonsus Cares is the Outreach Program of St. Alphonsus Parish, and therefore, all programs and events are suitable for Catholics, but not solely “faith-based” and are open to everyone.

Programs and Information


  • Community Meal: Join us for our weekly Community Meal every Friday from 5:00pm to 6:00pm in the St. Alphonsus Parish Hall. A time for good food and fellowship!
  • Bingo!: Join us Mondays from 1:00pm to 2:00pm. 
  • Hang Out Hub is happening Tuesdays from 12:00pm to 3:00pm. You can come in the from cold, have a warm beverage, play a game or browse the internet, or maybe just read a book.  St. Alphonsus Hall will be open for you!  Come and meet a new friend or just hang out with some old ones! 
  • Want to share some practical tip about everyday living?  Join Summer on Wednesdays from 1:00pm to 3:00pm.  No sign up required, but always helpful.
  • Get ready to relax and be mindful: Join Aryan for an introduction to mindfulness and breathing techniques.  Each Tuesday will be a different relaxation technique.  Join us on Tuesdays at 1:00pm.  Sign up not necessary, but always helpful!
  • Tax Clinic:  Stop in Mondays and Wednesdays from 1:00pm to 3:00pm to drop off and we will call when you can pick up.
  • Easy Stretch (chair exercises) Wednesdays from 3:00-3:30.  Simple and Gentle movement to help ease your everyday moves.  No need to sign up just show up!

Upcoming Events

  • Trivial Fun on March 29th at St. Alphonsus.  This is a fundraising effort for St. Alphonsus Cares.  Tables of 8 $150 and Individuals are $20.  Register with Sr. Connie
  • Lunch & Learn happens Monday March 17th.  Join Maria from Hospice to learn about palliative care from a Catholic Perspective. 11:00 is the Learning Part and lunch is at Noon.  Sign up at

Birthday Bank

  • 🎈We have a BIRTHDAY🎉🎉🎉BANK… If you are having a tough time purchasing a gift for your child or grandchild, we can help.  We have mostly NEW items and some gently used items.  These items (1 large or 2 small) are available to you.  We just need to see proof of the birth date.  The birthday has to be within the month in order to take advantage of the BIRTHDAY🎁 BANK.

Find Us / Contact Us

St. Alphonsus Cares is located at 85 Park Street East is the heart of Downtown Windsor.

Sister Connie Harrington – Outreach Coordinator
519-253-2493 extension 242