Thank you for your ongoing support of our parish!
The needs of each parish church, both maintaining the physical property and the spiritual needs of all parishioners is supported by the generosity of parishioners.
There are several ways that you can support the work of our parish and the day to day operations.
Donate online with CanadaHelps by clicking here.
Please note, your tax receipt will come from CanadaHelps because they are facilitating your donation. It will not be part of your year-end receipt from the parish.
Credit Card
Credit card donations can be made online here.
There is no charge for the individual making the donation.
Your donation(s) will be included on your annual charitable donation receipt issued next year.
To donate by Interac e-Transfer, simply set up the email address as a recipient, choose the amount you wish to give, and press send! No password is required.
If you are not a registered Parishioner, please email your contact information to Kelly at, so that you can get a income tax receipt at the end of the year.
If you are attending mass, you can drop it in the basket as you exit.
You can also mail your Sunday envelopes to:
85 Park Street East
Windsor, Ontario
N9A 3A8
Direct Withdrawal
To have direct withdrawal from your bank account, submit this completed form to the parish office along with a personal cheque marked “VOID”.